City - countryside - landscape

The unprecedented spatial and population growth of cities and the extent of their impact on the Earth represent important features of the Anthropocene. However, the countryside and open landscape are also changing, and together with cities they form an integrated settlement system. This system operates at local and global scales, linked by transport networks, flows of goods, people, and money, and administrative or legal relationships. The realms of humans and nature are becoming increasingly intertwined – we study urban wilderness as well as suburbanization. We look at how the landscape becomes inhabited over time, and how its meaning and memory are shaped.

Contributing to research in this field are: Cyril Říha (coordinator), Radan Haluzík, Karolína Pauknerová, Michal Ajvaz, Jindřich Prach, Zdeněk Konopásek a Václav Cílek.

Selection of representative publications:

Radan Haluzík (ed.) a kol., Město naruby: vágní terén, vnitřní periferie a místa mezi místy, Academia: Praha 2020.

Martin Hejl – Lenka Hejlová – Cyril Říha et al., 2x100 mil. m2. Atomized modernity. On architecture of large housing complexes in Czechoslovakia 1914–2014, Kolmo: Praha 2014.

Radan Haluzík, Self-Made Men – Architects of the Self: The New Houses and New Landscapes of the Western Balkans, Český lid/ Czech Ethnological Journal 109, 3/2022, s. 299–327.

Karolína Pauknerová, Krajina mezi pamětí a zapomínáním, Karolinum: Praha 2020.

Michal Ajvaz, Co je „pražskost“? (Praha teki naru mono wa nanika?), Bungei, 2016, spring, s. 328–337.

Cyril Říha – Zdeněk Konopásek – Jindřich Prach – Jaroslav Obermajer, Jak stavět v CHKO: Od předpisu k praxi, Ochrana přírody 76, 4/2021, s. 43–47.