Thursday seminar
23. 1. 2025: Sbírkový předmět jako sociální aktér, materializace sociálních vztahů i metafora. Materialita ženských hnutí a feministického aktivismu ve sbírce Národního muzea [detail]
Přednáší Jitka Gelnarová
Our publications
Haluzík, Radan (2024): „Dům z jablek: Diskurzy v podhoubí jednoho superorganismu: Jablko-plantážo-dům“
In: Fulínová, Eliška a Kvíčalová, Anna (eds. a kol.) Antropocennosti: průvodce světem antropocénu. Praha: Academia 2024. s. 140-153. ISBN: 978-80-200-3484-7
Periferie: cyklus workshopů Date: October 25 - December 13, 2024 Venue: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Právnická fakulta MU, Centrum pro teoretická studia UK/AV
Ideological Peripheries in Europe – 25. 10. 2024 – Ústav státu a práva AV ČR
Periferie, region, krajina – 29. 11. 2024 – Centrum pro teoretická studia UK/AV
Právo, identita a normalita – 13. 12. 2024 – Právnická fakulta MU
More information about each of the workshops here.
News archive
Periferie: cyklus workshopů Date: October 25 - December 13, 2024 Venue: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Právnická fakulta MU, Centrum pro teoretická studia UK/AV
Ideological Peripheries in Europe – 25. 10. 2024 – Ústav státu a práva AV ČR
Periferie, region, krajina – 29. 11. 2024 – Centrum pro teoretická studia UK/AV
Právo, identita a normalita – 13. 12. 2024 – Právnická fakulta MU
More information about each of the workshops here. (created 3. 10. 2024)
Applications for the position should be submitted by September 30th, 2024.
Rector of Charles University announces an opening at the Center for Theoretical Study for the position: Postdoctoral Researcher interested in one of the disciplines developed at the CTS, and open for transdisciplinary interactions and the dialogue between natural sciences and humanities/social sciences. The position is for 2 years. Requirements: Completed Ph.D. study, preferably within 3 years after the awarded Ph.D. (or equivalent title), fluent English, demonstrated experience in sciences or humanities. Required documents: A letter of intent together with a proposal of suggested research activities, specifying the links to CTS research topics, professional CV, list of publications, copy of the Ph.D. diploma or the confirmation of the defence of Ph.D. dissertation or its submission. Expected starting date is 1st January 2025. Applications for the position should be sent by recorded mail to the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1 by September 30th, 2024. For more detailed information, please call 222 220 671 or e-mail (created 18. 7. 2024)Více informací zde. (created 14. 2. 2024)
Termín pro podání přihlášky: 5. 2. 2024
Plné znění inzerátu zde. (created 9. 1. 2024)Více informací zde (created 13. 12. 2023)
Applications for the position should be submitted by September 30th, 2023.
Rector of Charles University announces an opening at the Center for Theoretical Study for the position: Postdoctoral Researcher interested in one of the disciplines developed at the CTS, and open for transdisciplinary interactions and the dialogue between natural sciences and humanities/social sciences. The position is for 2 years. Requirements: Completed Ph.D. study, preferably within 3 years after the awarded Ph.D. (or equivalent title), fluent English, demonstrated experience in sciences or humanities. Required documents: A letter of intent together with a proposal of suggested research activities, specifying the links to CTS research topics, professional CV, list of publications, copy of the Ph.D. diploma or the confirmation of the defence of Ph.D. dissertation or its submission. Expected starting date is 1st January 2024. Applications for the position should be sent by recorded mail to the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1 by September 30th, 2023. For more detailed information, please call 222 220 671 or e-mail (created 21. 6. 2023)Date:4. 9.— 8. 9. 2023, Prague
Program: Zde... (created 5. 5. 2023)(created 4. 10. 2022)
Requirements: Completed Ph.D. study, preferably within 3 years after the awarded Ph.D. (or equivalent title), fluent English, demonstrated experience in sciences or humanities.
Required documents: A letter of intent together with a proposal of suggested research activities, specifying the links to CTS research topics, professional CV, list of publications, copy of the Ph.D. diploma or the confirmaton of the defence of Ph.D. dissertation or its submission.
Expected starting date is 1st January 2022.
Applications for the position should be sent by recorded mail to the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1 by 30 September 2022.
For more detailed information, please call 222 220 671 or e-mail (created 17. 6. 2022)