David Storch, Ph.D.Employment and fellowships
Other professional experience
Research interestsMacroecology, biodiversity, ecological theory,
biogeography, community ecology University courses (ongoing)
Selected publications
Original papers (see Google Scholar or ResearchGate)
Okie J.G. & Storch D. 2025. The Equilibrium Theory of Biodiversity Dynamics: A general framework for scaling species richness and community abundance along environmental gradients. American Naturalist 205: 20-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1086/733103. [PDF] Toszogyova A., Smyčka J. &
Storch D. 2024. Mathematical biases in the calculation of the
Index lead to overestimation of vertebrate population decline. Nature Communications
15: 5295. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49070-x.
[PDF] Hošek J., Pokorný P., Storch D., Kvaček J., Havig J., Novák J., Hájková P., Jamrichová E., Brengman L., Radoměřský T., Křížek M., Magna T., Rapprich V., Laufek F., Hamilton T., Pack A., Di Rocco T. & Horáček I. 2024. Hot spring oases in the periglacial desert as the Last Glacial Maximum refugia for temperate trees in Central Europe. Science Advances 10: eado6611. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado6611. [PDF] Telenský T., Storch D.,
Klvaňa P. & Reif J. 2024.
Extension of Pradel capture-recapture survival-recruitment model
accounting for
transients. Methods
in Ecology and
Evolution 15: 388-400 DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14262.
[PDF] Čuda J., Pyšková K., Hejda M., Foxcroft L.C., MacFayden S., Storch D., Tropek R., Zambatis G., Pyšek P. 2024. Habitat modifies the relationship between grass and herbivore species richness in a South African savanna. Ecology & Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11167. [PDF] Smyčka J., Toszogyova A. & Storch D. 2023. The relationship between geographic range size and rates of species diversification. Nature Communications 14: 5559; Doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41225-6 [PDF] Storch D., Koleček J., Keil P., Vermouzek Z., Voříšek P. & Reif J. 2023. Decomposing trends in bird populations: Climate, life histories and habitat affect different aspects of population change. Diversity & Distributions 29: 572-585. [PDF] Šímová I., Ordonez A. & Storch D. 2023. The dynamics of the diversity-energy relationship during the last 21,000 years. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 707-718. [PDF] Leroy F., Reif J., Storch D. &
Keil P. 2023. How has bird biodiversity changed over time? A
across spatio-temporal scales. Basic and Applied
Ecology 69: 26-38. [PDF] Rineau V., Smyčka J. & Storch D. 2022. Diversity-dependence is a ubiquitous phenomenon across Phanerozoic oceans. Science Advances 8: eadd9620. Doi: 10.1126/sciadv.add9620. [PDF] Storch D., Šímová I., Smyčka J., Bohdalková E., Toszogyova A. & Okie J.G. 2022. Biodiversity dynamics in the Anthropocene: How human activities change equilibria of species richness. Ecography 44: e05778. Doi: 10.1111/ecog.05778. [PDF] Delabye S., Storch D., Sedláček O., Albrecht T., Hořák D., Maicher V., Toszogyova A. & Tropek R. 2022. Moth diversity increases along a continent-wide gradient of environmental productivity in South African savannahs. Insects 13: 778. Doi: 10.3390/insects13090778 [PDF] Šálek M., Sládeček M., Kubelka V., Mlíkovský J., Storch D. & Šmilauer P. 2022. Beyond habitat: effects of conspecific and heterospecific aggregation on the spatial structure of a wetland nesting bird community. Journal of Avian Biology e02928. Doi: 10.1111/jav.02928. [PDF] Hejda M., Čuda J., Pyšková K., Zambatis G., MacFayden S., Storch D., Tropek R. & Pyšek P. 2022. Water availability, bedrock, disturbance by herbivores, and climate determine plant diversity in South-African savanna. Scientific Reports 12: 1-19. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02870-3. [PDF] Bohdalková E., Toszogyova A., Šímová I. & Storch D. 2021. Universality in biodiversity patterns: Variation in species-temperature and species-productivity relationships reveals a prominent role of productivity in diversity gradients. Ecography 44: 1366-1378. [PDF] Dembicz I., Dengler J., Steinbauer M., Matthews T.J., Bartha S., Burrascano S., Chiarucci A., Filibeck G., Gillet F., Janišová M., Palpurina S., Storch D. et al. 2021. Fine-grain beta-diversity of Palearctic grassland vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13045. [PDF] Mikula P., Tószogyová A., Hořák D., Petrusková T., Storch D. & Albrecht T. 2020. Female solo song and duetting are associated with different territoriality in songbirds. Behavioral Ecology 31: 322-329. [PDF] Dengler J., Matthews T.J., Steinbauer M.J., Wolfrum S., Boch S., Chiarucci A., Conradi T., Dembicz I., Marceno C., Garcíja-Mijangos I., Nowak A., Storch D. et al. 2020. Species-area relationship in continuous vegetation: Evidence from Palearctic grasslands. Journal of Biogeography 47: 72-86. [PDF] Storch D. & Okie J. 2019. The carrying capacity for species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1519-1532. [PDF] Hatton I.A., Dobson A.P., Storch D., Galbraith E.D. & Loreau M. 2019. Linking scaling laws across eukaryotes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 116: 21616-21622. [PDF] Toszogyova A. & Storch
D. 2019.
Global diversity patterns are modulated by temporal fluctuations in
productivity. Global
Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1827-1838. [PDF] Větrovský T. et al. 2019. A meta-analysis of global fungal distribution reveals climate-driven patterns. Nature Communications 10: 5142; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13164-8 [PDF] Etienne R.S., Cabral J.S., Hagen
O., Hartig F., Hurlbert A.H., Pellisier
L., Pontarp M. & Storch D. 2019. A minimal
model for the latitudinal diversity gradient suggests a dominant role
ecological limits. American
194: E122-E123. [PDF] Pontarp M., Bunnefeld L., Cabral J.S., Etienne R.S., Fritz S.A., Gillespie R., Graham C.H., Hagen O., Hartig F., Huang S., Jansson R., Maliet O., Münkenmüller T., Pellisier L., Rangel T.F., Storch D., Wiegand T. & Hurlbert A. 2019. The latitudinal diversity gradient – novel understanding through mechanistic eco-evolutionary models. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34: 211-223. [PDF] Chu C. et al. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees. Ecology Letters 22: 245-255. [PDF] Storch D., Bohdalková E. & Okie J. 2018. The more-individuals hypothesis revisited: the role of community abundance in species richness regulation and the productivity-diversity relationship. Ecology Letters 21: 920-937. [PDF] Graham C.H., Storch D. & Macháč A. 2018. Phylogenetic scale in ecology and evolution. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 175-187. [PDF] Shade A., Dunn R.R., Blowes A.A.,
Keil P., Bohannan B.J.M., Hermann M.,
Küsel K., Lennon J.T., Sanders N.J., Storch
D. &
Chase J. 2018. Macroecology to unite all life, large and small. Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 33: 731-744. [PDF] Kunin W.E., Harte J., He F., Hui C., Jobe R.T., Ostling A., Polce C., Šizling A.L., Smith A.B., Smith K., Smart S.M., Storch D., Tjørve E., Ugland K.-I., Ulrich W. & Varma V. 2018. Up-scaling biodiversity: Estimating the species-area relationship from small samples. Ecological Monographs 88: 170-187. [PDF] Fanta V., Šálek M.,
Zouhar J., Sklenička P. & Storch D. 2018. Equilibrium dynamics
of European
pre-industrial populations: The evidence of carrying capacity in human
agricultural societies. Proceedings of
the Royal Society B: 20172500. [PDF] Machac A., Graham C.H. & Storch D. 2018. Ecological controls of mammalian diversification vary with phylogenetic scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 32-46. [PDF] Ferenc M., Sedláček O., Fuchs R., Hořák D., Storchová L., Fraissinet M. & Storch D. 2018. Large-scale commonness is the best predictor of bird species presence in European cities. Urban Ecosystems 21: 369-377. [PDF] Kopsová-Storchová L., Storch D., Brotons L. & Hořák D. 2017. Geographical variation in reproductive investment across avian assemblages in Europe: Effects of environmental drivers differ between altricial and precocial species. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 976-987. [PDF] Šímová I.
& Storch D. 2017. The enigma of terrestrial
primary productivity: measurements, models, scales and the
diversity-productivity relationship. Ecography
40: 239-252. [PDF] Divíšek J., Storch D., Zelený D. & Culek M. 2016. Towards the spatial coherence of biogeographical regionalizations at sub-continental and landscape scales. Journal of Biogeography 43: 2489-2501. [PDF] Storch D. 2016. The theory of the nested species-area relationship: Geometric foundations of biodiversity scaling. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 880-891. [PDF] Keil P., Storch D., Jetz W. 2015. On the decline of biodiversity due to area loss. Nature Communications 6: 8837; DOI:10.1038/ncomms9837. [PDF] Miko L. & Storch D. 2015. Biodiversity conservation under energy limitation: Possible consequences of human productivity appropriation for species richness, ecosystem functioning, and food production. Ecosystem Services 16: 146-149. [PDF] Okie J.G., Van Horn D.J., Storch D., Barrett J.E, Gooseff M.N., Kopsova L., Takacs-Vesbach C.D. 2015: Niche and metabolic principles explain patterns of diversity and distribution: theory and a case study with soil bacterial communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B., DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2630. [PDF] Šímova I., Violle C., Kraft N., Storch D., Svenning J.-C., Boyle B., Donoghue J., Jorgensen P.M., McGill B. J., Morueta-Holme N., Peet R.K., Wiser S.K., Piel W., Regetz J., Shildhauer M., Thiers B. & Enquist B.J. 2015: Shifts in trait means and variances in North American tree assemblages: species richness patterns are loosely related to the functional space. Ecography 38: 649-658 (Editor's choice). [PDF] Hořák D., Tószögyová A. & Storch D. 2015: Relative food limitation drives geographic clutch size variation in South African passerines: a large-scale test of Ashmole’s seasonality hypothesis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 437-447. [PDF] Varela S., Lima-Ribeiro M.S., Diniz-Filho J.A.F. & Storch D. 2015: Differential effects of temperature change and human impact on European Late Quaternary mammalian extinctions. Global Change Biology 21: 1475-1481. [PDF] Marquet P.A., Allen A.P., Brown J.H., Dunne J.A., Enquist B.J., Gillooly J.F., Gowaty P.A., Green J.L., Harte J, Hubbell S.P., O´Dwyer J., Okie J.G., Ostling A., Ritchie M., Storch D. & West G.B. 2014: On theory in ecology. BioScience 64: 701-710. [PDF] Tropek R., Sedláček
O., Beck J., Keil P., Musilová Z., Šímová
I. &
Storch D. 2014: Comment on "High-resolution global maps of
21st-century forest
cover change". Science
344: 981-d, DOI:
10.1126/science.1248753. [PDF] Ferenc M., Sedláček
O., Fuchs R., Dinetti M., Fraissinet M. &
Storch D. 2014: Are cities different?
Patterns of species richness and beta diversity of urban
communities and regional species assemblages in Europe. Global Ecology and
Biogeography 23: 479-489. [PDF] Pe’er G., Tsianou M.A., Franz K.W., Matsinos Y.G., Mazaris A.D., Storch D., Kopsová L., Verboom J., Baguette M., Stevens V.M. & Henle K. 2014: Toward better application of minimum area requirements in conservation planning. Biological Conservation 170: 92-102. [PDF] Machac A., Storch D. & Wiens J.J. 2013: Ecological causes of decelerating diversification in carnivoran mammals. Evolution 67-8: 2423-2433. [PDF] Šizling A.L., Kunin W.E. & Storch D. 2013: Taxon invariances, maximum entropy, and the species-area relationship. American Naturalist 181: 288-290. [PDF] Šímová I., Li Y.M. & Storch D. 2013: Relationship between species richness and productivity in plants: the role of sampling effect, heterogeneity and species pool. Journal of Ecology 101: 161-170. [PDF] Isaac N.J.B., Storch D. & Carbone C. 2013: The paradox of energy equivalence. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1-5. [PDF] Storch D., Keil P. & Jetz W. 2012: Universal species-area and endemics-area relationships at continental scales. Nature 488: 78-81. [PDF, Supplement] Macháč A., Zrzavý J., Smrčková J. & Storch D. 2012: Temperature-dependence of evolutionary diversification: differences between two contrasting model taxa support the metabolic theory of ecology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 2449-2456. [PDF] Keil P., Schweiger O., Kühn I., Kunin W.E., Kuussaari M., Settele J., Henle K., Brotons L., Peer G., Lengyel S., Moustakas A., Steinicke H. & Storch D. 2012: Patterns of beta diversity in Europe: the role of climate, land-cover and distance across scales. Journal of Biogeography 39: 1473-1486. [PDF] Šizling A.L., Kunin W.E., Šizlingová E., Reif J. & Storch D. 2011: Between geometry and biology: the problem of universality of the species-area relationship. American Naturalist 178: 602-611. [PDF, Appendix A, AppendixB] Hořák D., Sedláček O., Tószögyová A., Albrecht T., Ferenc M., Jelínek V. & Storch D. 2011: Geographic variation in avian clutch size and nest predation risk along a productivity gradient in South Africa. Ostrich 82: 175-183. [PDF] Šímová I., Storch D., Keil P., Boyle B., Phillips O.L. & Enquist B.J. 2011: Global species-energy relationship in forest plots: role of abundance, temperature and species' climatic tolerances. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 842-856. [PDF] Isaac N.J.B., Storch D. & Carbone C. 2011: Taxonomic variation in size-density relationships challenges the notion of energy equivalence. Biology Letters 7: 615-618. [PDF] Macháč A., Zrzavý J. & Storch D. 2011: Range size heritability in Carnivora is driven by geographic constraints. American Naturalist 177: 767-779. [PDF] Pautasso M., Böhning-Gaese K., Clergeau P., Cueto V.R., Dinetti M., Fernández-Juricic E., Kaisanlahti-Jokimäki M.-L., Jokimäki J., McKinney M.L., Sodhi N.S., Storch D., Tomialojc L., Weisberg P.J., Woinarski J., Fuller R.A. & Cantarello E. 2011: Global macroecology of bird assemblages in urbanized and semi-natural ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 426-436. [PDF] Keil P., Herben T., Rosindell J. & Storch D. 2010: Predictions of Taylor's power law, density dependence and pink noise from a neutrally modeled time series. Journal of Theoretical Biology 265: 78-86. [PDF] Šizling A.L., Storch D. & Keil P. 2009: Rapoport's rule, species tolerances, and the latitudinal diversity gradient: geometric considerations. Ecology 90: 3575-3586. [PDF] Harte J., Smith A.B. & Storch D. 2009: Biodiversity scales from plots to biomes with a universal species-area curve. Ecology Letters 12: 789-797. [PDF] Šizling A.L., Šizlingová E., Storch D., Reif J. & Gaston K.J. 2009: Rarity, commonness and the contribution of individual species to species richness patterns. American Naturalist 174: 82-93. [PDF]
Morlon H., White E.P., Etienne R.S., Green J.L., Ostling A., Alonso D., Enquist B.J., He F., Hurlbert A., Magurran A.E., Maurer B.A., McGill B.J., Olff H., Storch D. & Zillio T. 2009: Taking species abundance distributions beyond individuals. Ecology Letters 12: 488-501. [PDF]
Šizling A.L., Storch D., Šizlingová E., Reif J. & Gaston K.J. 2009: Species-abundance distribution results from a spatial analogy of central limit theorem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 106: 6691-6695. [PDF]
Šizling A.L., Storch D., Reif J. & Gaston K.J. 2009: Invariance in species-abundance distribution. Theoretical Ecology 2: 89-103. [PDF]
Reif J., Storch D. & Šímová I. 2008: The effect of scale-dependent habitat gradients on the structure of bird assemblages in the Czech Republic. Acta Ornithologica 43: 197-206. [PDF]
Storch D. & Šizling A.L. 2008: The concept of taxon invariance in ecology: do diversity patterns vary with changes in taxonomic resolution? Folia Geobotanica 43: 329-344. [PDF]
Nekola J.C., Šizling A.L., Boyer A.G. & Storch D. 2008: Artifactions in the log-transformation of species abundance distributions. Folia Geobotanica 43: 259-268. [PDF]
Reif J., Storch D., Voříšek P., Šťastný K. & Bejček V. 2008: Bird-habitat associations predict population trends in central European forest and farmland birds. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 3307-3319. [PDF]
Keil P., Dziock F. & Storch D. 2008: Geographical patterns of hoverfly (Diptera, Syrphidae) functional groups in Europe: inconsistency in environmental correlates and latitudinal trends. Ecological Entomology 33: 748-757. [PDF]
Storch D., Šizling A.L., Reif J., Polechová J., Šizlingová E. & Gaston K.J. 2008: The quest for a null model for macroecological patterns: geometry of species distributions at multiple spatial scales. Ecology Letters 11: 771-784. [PDF]
Evans K.L., Newson S.E., Storch D., Greenwood J.J.D. & Gaston K.J. 2008: Spatial scale, abundance and the species-energy relationship in British birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 395-405. [PDF]
Davies R.D., Orme C.D.L., Storch D., Olson V., Thomas G.H., Ross S.G., Benett P.M., Owens I.P.F., Blackburn T.M. & Gaston K.J. 2007: Topography, energy and the global distribution of bird species richness. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 274: 1189-1197. [PDF] 2006: Energy, range dynamics and global species richness patterns: Reconciling mid-domain effects and environmental determinants of avian diversity. Ecology Letters 9: 1308-1320. [PDF] 2006: Unusual abundance-range size relationship in an Afromontane bird community: the effect of geographical isolation? Journal of Biogeography 33: 1959-1968. [PDF] 2005: The species-area-energy relationship. Ecology Letters 8: 487-492. [PDF] 2005: Untangling an entangled bank. Science 307: 684-686. [PDF] 2004: Untangling ecological complexity on different scales of space and time. Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 389-400. [PDF] Bonn A., Storch D. & Gaston K. J. 2004: Structure of the species-energy relationship. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271: 1685-1691. [PDF] Šizling A.L. & Storch D 2004: Power-law species-area relationships and self-similar species distributions within finite areas. Ecology Letters 7: 60-68. [PDF] Storch D. 2003: Comment on “Global biodiversity, biochemical kinetics and the energetic-equivalence rule”. Science 299: 346b. [PDF] Storch D., Šizling A. & Gaston K. 2003: Geometry of the species-area relationship in central European birds: testing the mechanism. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 509-519. [PDF] Storch D., Konvička M., Beneš J., Martinková J. & Gaston K.J. 2003: Distribution patterns in butterflies and birds of the Czech Republic: separating effects of habitat and geographic position. Journal of Biogeography 30: 1195-1205. [PDF] Storch D., Gaston K.J. & Cepák J. 2002: Pink landscapes: 1/f spectra of spatial environmental variability and bird community composition. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269: 1791-1796. [PDF] Storch D. & Šizling A.L. 2002: Patterns in commoness and rarity in central European birds: Reliability of the core-satellite hypothesis within a large scale. Ecography 25: 405-416. [PDF] Storch D. & Frynta D. 2000: Evolution of habitat selection: Stochastic acquisition of cognitive clues? Evolutionary Ecology 13: 591-600. [PDF] Storch D.2000: Rapoport effect and speciation/extinction rates in the tropics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 514. Storch D. & Kotecký V. 1999: Structure of bird communities in the Czech Republic: The effect of area, census technique and habitat type. Folia zoologica 48 (4): 265-277. Storch D. & Musil P. 1999: Waterbird habitat preferences and their inter-annual changes related to population dynamics. Vogelwelt 120 (Suppl.): 257-260. Storch D. 1998: Densities and territory sizes of birds in two different lowland communities in eastern Bohemia. Folia zoologica 47 (3): 181-188.
BooksPokorný P. & Storch D. (eds.) 2020. Antropocén. Academia, Praha. Zrzavý J., Burda
H., Storch D., Begallová S. &
Mihulka S. 2017 Jak se
dělá evoluce: Labyrintem evoluční biologie. Argo/Dokořán, Praha. Zrzavý J., Storch D. & Mihulka S. 2009: Evolution: Ein Lese-Lehrbuch. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg. Storch D., Marquet P.A. & Brown J.H. (eds.) 2007: Scaling biodiversity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Zrzavý J., Storch D. & Mihulka S. 2004: Jak se dělá evoluce: Od sobeckých genů k rozmanitosti života. [Evolution: From selfish genes to the diversity of life] Paseka, Praha. Sádlo J., Storch D. 2000: Biologie krajiny: Biotopy České republiky. [Biology of Landscape: Habitats of the Czech Republic] Vesmír, Praha. Storch D., Mihulka S. 2000: Úvod do současné ekologie. [An introduction to contemporary ecology] Portál, Praha. Storch D., Mihulka S. 1997: Ekologie. [Ecology] IDM MŠMT ČR, Praha. [the first, shorter version of Storch & Mihulka 2000]
Reviews, book chapters and major popular scientific articlesStorch D. 2024: Od postmoderny k antropocénu. In: Vlasák Z. & Šimonová A. (eds.), Co se ideji děje za zády. Novela bohemica, Praha, pp. 43-53. [PDF] Storch D. 2022: Vejdeme se? Neznámá nosná kapacita prostředí. Vesmír 101: 436-441. [PDF] Storch D. 2021: Vymírání - klíčový proces, o němž skoro nevíme. Živa 5/2021: 194-197. [PDF] Storch D. 2021: Máme chránit přírodu před ní samou? Ekolist 4. srpna 2021. Storch D. 2021: Dobře už bylo: Globální biodiverzita, masová vymírání a klimatické změny. Vesmír 100: 477-481. [PDF] Šizling A.L. & Storch D. 2021: Biodiversity scaling on a continuous plane: Geometric underpinnings of the nested species-area relationship. In: Matthews T.J., Triantis K.A. & Whittaker R.J. (eds.), The species-area relationship: Theory and application. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, doi:10.1017/9781108569422. [PDF] Cílek V. & Storch D. 2021: Les a voda: Složitá hra od stromů po kontinenty. Vesmír 100: 154-161. [PDF] Storch D. 2020: Ochrana přírody v antropocénu. In: Vondra A. (ed.), Musí být ekologie alarmistická? Books & Pipes, Praha, pp. 127-144. [PDF] Storch D. 2020: Boj proti suchu zní dobře, zalesňování a nádrže ale nepomohou. Problém je v tom, co jsme udělali s krajinou. Deník N 15. října 2020. [PDF] Storch D. 2020: Konec metabolické teorie? Růst je možná důležitější než metabolismus. Vesmír 99: 490-493. [PDF] Storch D. 2020: Vojen Ložek jako prorok antropocénu. Ekolist 8. září 2020. Storch D. 2019: Pochybnosti o klimatických změnách a řešení jejich následků. Fórum ochrany přírody 04/2019: 6-7. [PDF, Ekolist] Storch D. 2019: Biodiverzita: co to je, jak ji měřit, co ji podmiňuje a k čemu je to všechno dobré. Živa 5/2019: 194-197. [PDF] Storch D. 2019: Geografické trendy biologické rozmanitosti: Proč je v tropech a v horách tolik druhů. Živa 5/2019: 206-209. [PDF] Storch D. 2019: Budoucnost biodiverzity v antropocénu. Živa 5/2019: 271-276. [PDF] Storch D., Pokorný P. & Sádlo J. 2018: Konec neolitu aneb co se stalo se zemědělskou krajinou. Fórum ochrany přírody 03/2018: 12-14 [PDF] Storch D. 2018: Vítejte v době lidové. Lidové Noviny - Orientace, 20. října 2018, str. 19-20. [PDF] Storch D. 2016: Savana aneb Popis jednoho chaosu. Vesmír 95: 572-577. [PDF] Storch D. 2016: Záhada mizejícího vrabčáka a jiné proměny české přírody. Lidové Noviny - Orientace, 30. ledna 2016, str. 24-25. [PDF] Storch D. 2015: Fylogeneze ptáků: Vyřešeno? Vesmír 94: 556-563. [PDF; příloha s fylogenetickým stromem PDF; dodatek PDF] Storch D. 2015: Máme vizi ochrany přírody? Fórum ochrany přírody 01/2015: 12-14 [PDF] Storch D., Keil P. & Kunin W.E. 2014: Scaling communities and biodiversity. In: Henle K., Potts S.G., Kunin W.E., Matsinos Y.G., Similä J., Pantis J.D., Grobelnik V., Penev L. & Settele J. (eds.), Scaling in ecology and biodiversity conservation. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, pp. 66-77. [PDF] Storch D. 2014: Věda z Marsu: Úskalí ekologie podle Google Earth aneb Jak je důležité neplést si sóju s pralesem. Respekt 26, 36.-29. červen 2014, str. 70-71. [PDF] Storch D. 2014: Co dělat? Vesmír 93: 241. Storch D. 2014: Hledání ztraceného ráje. Lidové Noviny - Orientace, 11. ledna 2014, str. 21-22. [PDF] Storch D. 2013: Sovy nemusejí být, čím se zdají [projev při převzetí profesorského dekretu]. Lidové Noviny - Orientace, 29. června 2013, str. 30. [PDF] Storch D. 2013: Ochrana přírody jako vědecký problém. Vesmír 92: 113-115. [PDF] Storch D. 2012: Hlad po fosforu. Respekt 45, 5.-11. listopad 2012, str. 63-65. [PDF] Storch D. 2012: Svátek přehnojené planety: Přírodu má smysl chránit - ale z úplně jiných důvodů a úplně jinak, než si lidé myslí. Lidové Noviny - Orientace, 21.-22. dubna 2012, str. 21-22. [PDF] Storch D. 2012: Věda, ekologie, ideologie a myšlení. In: Hlaváček P. (ed.), Intelektuál ve veřejném prostoru: Vzdělanost, věda, politika. Academia, Praha, pp. 343-351. [PDF] Storch D. 2012: Biodiversity and its energetic and thermal controls. In: Sibly R.M., Brown J.H. & Kodric-Brown A. (eds.), Metabolic Ecology: A Scaling Approach. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 120-131. [PDF] Storch D. 2011: Žijeme v době šestého masového vymírání? Odhady současných změn biodiverzity po deseti letech. Vesmír 90: 568-572. [PDF; příloha PDF] Storch D. 2011: Teorie ideálního lesa. Vesmír 90: 351-356. [PDF] Storch D. 2010: Metabolismus a velikost těla v novém tisíciletí: Je tříčtvrtinový koeficient univerzální? Vesmír 89: 536-538. [PDF] Storch D. 2010: Dvě vědy: Matematická přírodověda, taxonomie a přirozený svět. In: Velický B., Trlifajová K., Kouba P. et al., Spor o přirozený svět. Filosofia, Praha, pp. 273-284. [PDF] Storch D. & Šizling A.L. 2009: O převaze vzácnosti v přírodě: Dobře ukrytá informace o struktuře krajiny. Vesmír 88: 784-787. [PDF] Storch D. 2009: Čtení Darwina: Původ druhů po 150 letech. Vesmír 88: 444-450. [PDF] Polechová J. & Storch D. 2008: Ecological niche. In: Jorgensen S.E. & Fath B. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 1088-1097. [PDF] Storch D. 2008: Katastrofy v přírodě: statistika, dynamika a teorie. In: Pokorný P. & Bárta M. (eds.), Něco překrásného se končí: Kolapsy v přírodě a společnosti. Dokořán, Praha, pp. 31-36. [PDF] Storch D., Šizling A.L. & Gaston, K.J. 2007: Scaling species richness and distribution: Uniting the species-area and species-energy relationships. In: Storch D., Marquet P.A. & Brown J.H. (eds.), Scaling biodiversity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 300-322. [PDF] Šizling A.L. & Storch D. 2007: Geometry of species distributions: Random clustering and scale invariance. In: Storch D., Marquet P.A. & Brown J.H. (eds.), Scaling biodiversity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 77-100. [PDF] Storch D. 2006: Jaký je vlastně les: Obraz lesa v přírodních vědách. Dějiny a současnost 11: 34-36. [PDF] Storch D. 2006: Pochybnosti o stavu přírody aneb proč ji vlastně chránit. Ekolist 3: 12-15. [PDF] Storch D. 2004: Metabolická teorie biologie aneb Nová teorie všeho (živého)? Vesmír 83, 508-516. [PDF] Storch D. and Reif J. 2003: Macroecology of birds: what have we learned from the large-scale censuses. Sylvia 38, 1-18. (in Czech, summary in English) [PDF] Storch D. 2002: Krajina není. In: Hájek P. (editor) 2002: Krajina zevnitř. Malá skála, Praha. Storch D. 2001: Biodiversity, Chapter in Encyclopedia of Life support Systems, UNESCO. Storch D. 2001: Jak rychle vymírají druhy: Potíže s odhady globální biodiverzity a jejích změn. Vesmír 80: 573-575. [PDF] Storch D. 2000: O vzniku druhů přirozeným výběrem: Role prostředí v evoluci biodiverzity. Vesmír 79: 550-552. [PDF] Storch D. 2000: Přežívání populací v ostrůvkovitém prostředí: Co jsou metapopulace a jak fungují. Vesmír 79: 143-145. [PDF] Storch D. 1999: Proč je malých zvířat víc než velkých. Vesmír 78: 377-383. [PDF] Storch D. 1998: Proč žije v tropech tolik druhů organismů. Vesmír 77: 677-678. [PDF] Storch D. 1995: Interspecific competition in birds. Biol.listy 60: 259-273. (in Czech, summary in English)
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